
Victoria Kol

Victoria Kolodiychik was born in a small town near Ternopil, in western Ukraine. In 2013, she graduated from hairdressing school and in 2015, she moved to the United States, where she met her husband and began her new life.

Victoria finds the beauty in the world inspiring. Flowers, art, clothing, jewelry and hairstyles have always interested her from a young age. As a result, she knew early on that her future profession would be related to creating something beautiful. She was inspired to start making hair accessories by watching a video tutorial about the process and loved it so much that it became a hobby for her. Soon after, Victoria realized that she wanted to bring beauty to this world and complement the image of beautiful brides and others around the world and started making accessories for others. You can check out Victoria’s products here.

Victoria is a graduate from an online school in the manufacturing of hair accessories and ornaments. As a result, each hair accessory is handmade with care, creative inspiration and materials of the highest quality.

“Be yourself and follow your dreams. Believe in yourself and the world will believe in you.”

Victoria Kolodiychik